An Inju5tice to Catholic families

All the little epsilons reports on the visit of boyband Inju5tice to the state school in which she teaches. (See: The sort of evangelisation Catholic Voices and other lay Catholics might be more usefully engaged in?)

Not surprisingly, I suppose, these boybands have long been popular at events on the gay scene which have proved a lucrative sideline for them. Now it seems that the fashion is to be more openly ambiguous and milk the gay market at the same time as appealing to teenage girls. You can go to all the little epsilons for the link to their interview with Bent magazine in which the members of Inju5tice submissively respond to questions such as which male star they would like to date, and what brand of "undies" is their favourite.

As epsilon observes in their list of engagements, their tour includes visits to several Catholic schools. I'm not sure what the value is of inviting them into schools at all, still less Catholic schools. Catholic parents who are conscientiously and tactfully trying to divert their children's attention away from such morally dubious dissipation must be quietly fuming. If they openly fume, of course, they will be branded as puritanical troublemaking killjoy "Catholic Taliban". And their children will be taunted the following day as news of the complaint leaks out to the playground.

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