Ecumenical Diablog says "Don't take the Tablet"

Stuart McCullough of the Good Counsel Network deals on a daily basis with mothers in crisis pregnancies and is acutely aware of the damage done by the promotion of contraception, sex education, and the cruel deception of the illusion of a risk free lifestyle. Naturally he is also opposed to abortion. After a long of pulling funny faces when I mentioned that the internet and especially blogs could help his apostolate, Stuart has recently thrown in the towel and started a blog himself: Ecumenical Diablog. It's worth having that one in your blogroll.

Following on recent articles (covered by James Preece and others) justifying abortion in certain circumstances, the Ecumenical Diablog today urges: Catholics Don't Take the Pill or The Tablet.

I told him it was too nuanced and ambiguous for my liking :-)

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