Study on Abortion and Mental Health

Dr Pravin Thevathasan, a psychiatrist with over twenty years' experience, who also holds a Masters in medical ethics and law, has written a very helpful booklet on Abortion and Mental Health in which he examines the psychological consequences of induced abortion. He notes:
Perhaps the most important statement in this study is that, while over ninety per cent of abortions are done on the ground that continuation of the pregnancy would lead to serious damage to teh women's mental health, there is no evidence that abortion reduces the mental health risks of unwanted pregnancy. Indeed no study has reported that it reduces mental health risks - a fact which surely challenges the use of psychiatric reasons for justifying abortion.
Another important point is that grieving after abortion is difficult because the woman is just expected to carry on and "snap out of it" and indeed, such grief is frowned upon by society. This booklet would be of help to clergy in understanding one of the many reasons why they should not shy away from pro-life preaching, and to many others who will be in a position to help women to make the right choice for life.

Abortion and Mental Health (£1.95) is published by LIFE - email

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