Dies albo signanda lapillo

Photo credit: Mazur/catholicchurch.org.uk

Three former Anglican Bishops ordained to the priesthood, the new ordinariate set up formally under the title of Our Lady of Walsingham (thank you, Holy Father), Rev Keith Newton appointed ordinary with the Revv Burnham and Broadhurst to assist. I agree with Damian Thompson that it is almost too much to take in at once. As the Westminster Cathedral website puts it, "A remarkable start to the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity." Quite so!

I was very sorry not to have been at Westminster Cathedral this morning but parish duties, including a (very lovely) wedding kept me at the ranch. However, I have just had a report from my hermeneutical correspondent on the spot, Sir Dan of the Nesbitry. One of the principal impressions that he had was of the reverence and gravitas of the congregation, many of whom were Anglicans or former Anglicans. I hope that Archbishop Nichols will be pleased to know that Dan was also very impressed by his homily. The Cathedral was packed to the gills, the music was of the customary sublime standard of the Cathedral choir (including Victoria's Missa O Quam Gloriosum).

Here are a few relevant links:

Statement by Rev Keith Newton
Catholic Herald's Anna Arco: Priests ordained to the world’s first ordinariate
Message from Cardinal Levada
Bishops' Conference of England and Wales website Ordinariate section
Big set of photos by Mazur on behalf of the CBCEW

Another fascinating detail is that the catechetical preparation for people being received into the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham will be the Evangelium programme produced by Fr Marcus Holden and Fr Andrew Pinsent. Why should I be so surprised at that? It is just that suddenly everything seems to be happening as it should. Congratulations to the first three members of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and to all those intending to join them. Actually congratulations to all of us as well because this is absolutely brilliant!

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