New Year in communion with Rome

Westminster Cathedral

Photo credit: absentbabinski

Fr Sean Finnegan has an excellent post today on the reception into full communion with the Catholic Church of three former Anglican Bishops: John Broadhurst, Andrew Burnham and Keith Newton. Two of the wives and three sisters from Walsingham were also received at the Mass today at Westminster Cathedral. See: History Being Made.

The three are to be ordained to the diaconate on 13 January 13th and then to the priesthood on 15 January. Congratulations to Fr John Boyle who seems to have had something of a scoop with this excellent news. Jeffrey Steel was also there and has a personal account.

The establishment of the Ordinariate is indeed a historic event in the life of the Church. I offer my personal congratulations to the three former Anglican Bishops, the wives, Sr Jane, Sr Caroline, and Sr Wendy. I also offer my prayers and good wishes to all those who are taking up the generous and far-sighted provision of Pope Benedict. What a way to bring in the New Year!

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