Congratulations Masaki and Sue


Masaki Friesenegger and Sue Liao exchanged vows yesterday at the Lady Chapel of Westminster Cathedral, a beautiful setting for a wedding. I solemnised the wedding and celebrated the nuptial Mass according to the usus antiquior. The music was provided by organist Peter Stevens and four choristers from the unparalleled Westminster Cathedral Choir. The Mass setting was Mozart's Spatzenmesse. I should note also that as ever, Paul Moynihan and the other personnel at Westminster Cathedral were as helpful as they could possibly be. It is always a pleasure to be involved in a liturgical celebration there.

In the usus antiquior, the vows are taken first of all, after the short instruction given by the priest. We then go into the sacristy to sign the civil register (if this is necessary.) Then the couple return to the chapel, the priest vests and Mass is begun. I do prefer this to the "we interrupt this Mass for another service" arrangement.

Sorry about the picture - as the celebrant I was not able to take photos during the wedding itself, and only caught the couple leaving for the reception afterwards, but it does at least include part of the vintage Rolls Royce in front of Westminster Cathedral.

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