Ordinariate reception at Westminster


The Catholic Herald and the Friends of the Ordinariate hosted a reception this evening in the throne room of Archbishop’s House, Westminster. Priests and laity who are friends from many different apostolates were gathered to support and encourage this generous provision of Pope Benedict in the cause of Christian unity.

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I was glad of the chance to have a chat with Luke Coppen, Editor of the Catholic Herald. We normally correspond very briefly by email each week when I send in my article and he is busy getting the paper together, so it is always good to hear how the paper is getting on.

Mgr Keith Newton spoke warmly of the support that the Ordinariate had received, and made a heartfelt appeal for that financial assistance that is urgently needed. Cardinal Levada was present and explained something of the background of the Ordinariate and its importance to the Holy Father.

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It was something of a mini blognic at the same time with Fr Ray Blake, Fr Sean Finnegan and Joanna Bogle – and I guess probably some others as well. I took my camera with me and got a photo of Fr Ray with Mgr Newton who greeted us very warmly and thanked us for the support that bloggers have given to the Ordinariate.

I managed to get a photo with Cardinal Levada:

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If you are able to help the Ordinariate financially, please contact:

The Administrator
Friends of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
19 Spencelayh Close

(The photos on this post are my own. The great Mazur was there and so I expect that the Flickr photostream for the Catholic Church in England and Wales will have some fine photos on show sometime tomorrow.)

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