Mass for success of SSPX negotiations

Rorate Caeli reports that the superiors of the Society of St Pius X are to discuss the "Doctrinal Preamble" at their Italian District Headquarters in Albano from 7-8 October. I was delighted to read this, since 7 October is the patronal feast of my parish.

Thankfully I do not have a Mass intention booked for the evening High Mass and so I will make the intention of offering the fruits of that Mass into the hands of Our Lady of the Rosary that her prayers in heaven will bring about that speedy, charitable, and just resolution of the juridical status of the Society which is so desired by the Holy Father.

We must be patient, but I dare to hope that the fact that the meeting is at Albano, and therefore only a few miles from Rome, means that perhaps the superiors of the Society may be in a position to communicate a positive response to the Holy See with the minimum inconvenience.

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