CCC Colloquium update

Fr Richard Whinder has written today to tell members of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy that Father Stephen Langridge, Chairman of the Vocations Directors of England and Wales, will make a brief presentation on Tuesday evening, adding to the outstanding line-up of speakers.

As Fr Whinder says, Fr Langridge is currently setting up the first dedicated centre for nourishing a culture of discipleship and vocations promotion at Whitstable in Kent, building on his successful work as Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Southwark. This is one of the many positive moves which are taking place in the Church today, 'faithful to the inspirations, initiatives and example of the Holy Father', which is among the objects of the Confraternity.

There is still time to book for the Colloquium which runs from Tuesday 23 to Wednesday 24 October. Full details are available at the Confraternity website together with a booking form to download and print off. I warmly commend this to my brother priests. The programme does not include picking pebbles from a bowl, whale music, cathartic dance, or wordy, made-up paraliturgies of commitment. It does include some first class speakers, dignified celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and some excellent company. We need to get together as priests from time to time and this is a great opportunity. If you need further motivation, remember that the Tablet doesn't like it.

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