Routine bricklaying

2012-09-14 21.33.54It really doesn't feel like five years since the implementation of Summorum Pontificum. It must be my age.

Last night at Blackfen we had Missa Cantata for the Sodality of the Five Holy Wounds with the sublime Byrd three part Mass sung by three people. Mass was followed by the En ego, the daily prayer of the Sodality, and the Te Deum in thanksgiving for Summorum Pontificum. A shared supper convivium rounded things off nicely. My contribution was a couple of bottles of shampoo. People sometimes give me bottles of this stuff (always appreciated) and I save it for a suitable occasion - such as this anniversary.

The youngest member of the gathering was Gregory who is ten days old. Actually he is now eleven days old. For him, five years is a long time. It occurred to me that he will never know a world in which the usus antiquior is not a part of the Church's liturgical life, and he will grow up in an English Catholic environment where there is growing confidence, increased fidelity to the magisterium, and perhaps a new fighting spirit in the face of the secularist onslaught.

This morning we had another Missa Cantata for the feast of the seven sorrows of Our Lady, with Benediction and the solemn Salve. Now, having got the newsletter, notices, Bidding Prayers, notices for the board, Mass intentions for the week, and sermon all done, it's time for me to join fellow-bloggers at the Hour Glass in Kensington. (If you are reading this on your smartphone/ipad in the pub, see you in an hour or so. Tell Fr Z we have laid a couple more bricks.)

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