Bishop Schneider on EWTN

The book Dominus Est is now available in English, translated by Rev Nicholas L. Gregoris and published by Newman House Press. Diane of Te Deum Laudamus very kindly sent me a copy - the English edition has a photograph on the front showing Pope Benedict giving Holy Communion to a lady who is kneeling and receiving the sacred Host on the tongue, with an MC holding a communion plate. The book can now be ordered from Family Publications priced £5.99.
(For my initial notice of the book, see: "Communion kneeling, on the tongue." For another interview with Bishop Schneider, see: "As a bishop I cannot be silent".)
One rather special detail noticed by Diane when Bishop Schneider visited Assumption Grotto is that his episcopal ring is a miraculous medal:

He humbly permitted people to kiss his ring, which caught me off guard because I have seen some bishops gently pull their hand back. Because of this, I never attempted to kiss the ring of a bishop.
Some feel it is more humble to not let people kiss the ring, but I think the opposite is true. I did not see it prideful on his part at all, but more of an act of humility. He generously offered blessings upon people as they took his hand. One of the sisters observed that by having the Miraculous Medal as a ring, the people are kissing an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as the ring of an apostolic successor.