More praise from Rome for "Fit for Mission"

Archbishop Luis Ladaria SJ, Secretary to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has written to Bishop O'Donoghue, warmly endorsing his teaching document "Fit for Mission? Church." Here is a jpeg of the letter (click to enlarge):

It is to be hoped that not only the faithful of your own diocese, but also Catholics throughout Britain, will find hope and encouragement in your document.Bishop O'Donoghue has expressed his delight at receiving this communication. He said:
I would just like to express my heartfelt thanks to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith for supporting the programme of renewal I have now fully set out in Fit for Mission? Church, and Fit for Mission? Schools. At the heart of both documents is the urgent appeal to Catholics throughout our country to reject the misinterpretations of the Second Vatican Council that have become so wide-spread. Once again we must commit ourselves without reservation to the fullness of doctrinal, moral and liturgical truth safeguarded by Peter!In September, Bishop O'Donoghue received praise from Archbishop Piacenza, Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy for the document.
An endorsement was also given in October by Cardinal Renato Martino, the President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. (see Lancaster's Fit for Mission blog)
The new revised and enlarged document "Fit for Mission? Church." can be obtained from the Catholic Truth Society.