Fr Bux: "Liturgy between innovation and tradition"

Thanks for Fr Z for posting the translation of an article by Fr Nicola Bux in L'Osservatore Romano: Liturgy between innovation and tradition. Here is an extract:
Christian liturgy, like the Christian event itself is not something we make... A word like actualization has given birth to the idea that we had the power to replicate it, to create the right conditions for it to happen, to organize it, as if we were the creators of what we affirm to believe. As a matter of fact it is Jesus Christ who makes the sacred liturgy with the Holy Spirit. Our role is to follow, give room to his work. The method within everyone’s reach is to watch what happens – they used to say to “assistere” – that is ad-stare, to stand before his presence; it means to adhere to Something that precedes us, to follow what he does in our midst, always capable of turning upside down the idea that worship is something we make. Liturgy is sacred because it is one Thing that comes from Heaven.
I am reading Fr Bux's recent book La Riforma di Benedetto XVI: la liturgia tra innovazione e tradizione which I have pinched from Fr Briggs.

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