"Little Ratzinger" is new Prefect for CDW

Last June, along with many other blogs, I reported the rumour floated by la cigüeña de la torre that Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera, Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain was to succeed Cardinal Arinze as Prefect of the the Congregation for Divine Worship.

The announcement was made today in the Vatican Bollettino (translation shamelessly ripped off Fr Z):
The Holy Father has accepted the resignation presented by His Eminence Francis Card. Arinze, for having reached the age limit, as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments and has called to suceed him in this same role His Eminence Antonio Card. Cañizares Llovera, who has been until now Archbishop of Toledo, Spain.
Fr Z has more information from the Palazzo Apostolico blog of Paolo Rodari. Again thanks to him for translating some of it (original: Ecco il «Piccolo Ratzinger» Fr Z translation: More about Card. Cañizares Llovera)

This is very good news. The Cardinal is only 63 so I suppose he could be in post for twelve years, God willing. He has been a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since 1995, and a member of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei since 2006.

And God bless Cardinal Arinze in his retirement. He deserves our appreciation - especially for quotes like "If you can find any document from Rome saying "remove the altar rails", I will give you a turkey." (See Classic Arinze)

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