Interesting details from Mgr Marini

Gregor Kollmorgen at NLM has picked up some comments made by Mgr Marini, the Master of the Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations to the Italian Catholic paper Avvenire. See: Details about the Papal Liturgies This Christmastide (Italian original: Vaticano Nella liturgia la gioia della Natività)

The note explains that there are no great novelties in the choice of vestments, just a sense of continuity and a healthy equilibrium between past and present. (There will be a Roman chasuble on the feast of the Epiphany.)

This year again, the Holy Father will celebrate Mass ad orientem in the Sistine chapel on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Mgr Marini explains:
"this means that at some points the Pope will turn towards the Crucified, thus underlining the correct orientation of the Eucharistic celebration. This is not about turning the back to the people, but about assuming the same orientation as the assembly, which precisely looks toward the Crucified."

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