Bishop O'Donoghue with the Holy Father

At the close of the General Audience last Wednesday, Bishop O'Donoghue presented "Fit for Mission? Schools" and "Fit for Mission? Church" to the Holy Father. The Lancaster press office observed:
The Holy Father departed from the usual protocol and spent quite some time going through both documents with Bishop Patrick expressing his obvious delight at the wide-ranging scope of the work. The Holy Father and Bishop Patrick were joined by Mgr Georg Ganswein - Private Secretary to the Pope – and Archbishop James Harvey, Prefect of the Papal Household.
The Holy Father thanked Bishop O'Donoghue for his work of renewal in the diocese. As the bishop will be retiring next month, this is a fitting tribute to his groundbreaking work which has inspired so many people.

Just yesterday I received a review copy of "Fit for Mission? Marriage" which is an marriage preparation course. It is published by the CTS - here is a link to the notice for the Course Presenter's book.

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