Theology of the Body Symposium, Maynooth

I am happy to pass on news of this Symposium to be held in Ireland in June:

Man and Woman He Created Them:
Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body
The 2nd International Symposium
11th-14th June, 2009
Maynooth Campus, Maynooth, Ireland

This Symposium, marking the 30th anniversary of both Pope John Paul II's visit to Ireland and the first Papal audience on the Theology of The Body, will explore the goodness, truth and beauty of human sexuality and the Divine plan for human love. Scholars, teachers, students and catechists from around the world will come together to discuss and unfold the Catholic Church's theology of the body. It is hoped that the Symposium will also provide an opportunity for a deepening of personal faith and self-understanding that will no doubt inspire for many a new enthusiasm to engage in the New Evangelization.

The Symposium features internationally renowned speakers such as DDr. Michael Waldstein, Sister Mary Timothy Prokes, FSE, Dr. Mary Shivanandan and Fr. Don Calloway MIC. Opening Mass will be celebrated by His Excellency Bishop Philip Boyce of Raphoe Diocese, Ireland.

Holy Mass will be celebrated each day, with perpetual adoration available throughout the weekend. A theatrical performance of “The Jeweler’s Shop”, a play written by Karol Wojtyła, will be a highlight of the weekend.

This event is hosted by Pure in Heart, an Irish Youth Movement promoting the truth and meaning of human sexuality, and sponsored by The Theology of the Body Institute and 3ltv.

To register, book accommodation or for more information visit
(Advance booking is essential; reduced rates for early booking)

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