Where I will be tomorrow

Tomorrow morning, I'll be saying an early Mass and then catching the train from Kings Cross to Leuchars to get up to Scotland in time to give a talk to the University of St Andrews Canmore Catholic Society.

I always love visiting St Andrews. It is a beautiful university city and the Catholic student community has something very special about it. I'm speaking on the subject of "True and False Ecumenism". Preparing for this, I have re-read Pope Pius XI's Mortalium Animos as well as Pope John XXIII's Ad Petri Cathedram, Vatican II's Unitatis Redintegratio, and Dominus Iesus among other documents in order to get back to the sources rather than simply talk "from experience" or re-hash commonplace arguments.

As a result of studying these texts again, one thesis I will be defending is that Unitatis Redintegratio can be read together with Mortalium Animos in accord with the hermeneutic of continuity. Some may find that far-fetched - but why go for an easy thesis?

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