2006 CIEL papers

Thanks to Shawn Tribe on NLM for news of the publication of the papers given at the 2006 CIEL Colloquium at Oxford. I was only able to get to part of the conference but heard the papers given by Claude Barthe and Alcuin Reid (both excellent). I look forward to reading the other papers. Fr Uwe Michael Lang's work on the origins and early development of Latin as a liturgical language is particularly important as it tackles the widespread misconception that the Latin of the Roman Liturgy was introduced as "the vernacular".

The volume is called "The Genius of the Roman Rite: Historical, Theological and Pastoral Perspectives on Catholic Liturgy" and the editor is Fr Uwe Michael Lang. It is published by Liturgy Training Publications and available in the UK from Gracewing, priced £17.99

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