Bishop Schneider in Estonia

Having visited Estonia last October, I was pleased to see news on the Finnish blog Summorum of the recent visit of Bishop Schneider, the author of Dominus Est, to Talinn. (See: Piispa Schneider Tallinnassa - there is a narrative in English at the foot of the post.)

There was a presentation of the Estonian translation of Dominus Est, in the presence of Bishop Philippe Jourdan, the Apostolic Administrator of Estonia. In the book, Bishop Schneider offers a spiritual, historical and theological defence of the traditional practice of receiving Holy Communion kneeling, and on the tongue.

Bishop Schneider also celebrated a Missa Cantata in the Cathedral of St Peter and St Paul in Talinn. I had the privilege of celebrating Mass there in October with the wonderful choir singing the chant with a grave Eastern interpretation that must surely have been familiar to Bishop Schneider.

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