New altar rails for Christmas

Fr Gregory Charnock of St Bartholomew Parish, Lambert's Bay, South Africa, writes to tell of a Christmas present for his Parish Church.
Dave and Leslie Bashkier, with their son Paul, kindly donated, and travelled up from Cape Town specially (3 hours) on 21 December to install new permanent altar rails, to replace the temporary ones that had been in use since Summorum Pontificum.

After the installation, there were confessions, Rosary and Holy Mass. Following that, there was a traditional West Coast snoek (i.e. fish) and the blessing of the benefactors' car. They are pictured here with sacristans and Parishioners:

The altar rails were blessed the following day with some new vestments Father was given for the Christmas season.

(I feel rather envious seeing them all in summer clothes in the bright sunshine of the southern hemisphere just before Christmas.)

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