John Pridmore coming to Westminster Cathedral

John Pridmore is visiting England again in the New Year. He will be speaking at Westminster Cathedral Hall on 6 January at 7.30pm. John spoke at my parish last January: his witness to the Catholic faith was compelling (see Stirring stories for a packed Church). People of all ages will find his presentation of great interest but I do recommend it especially for boys and young men. If you manage to cajole one such to go along with you, I promise you that he will not be quite so lippy on the way home.

Below are Amazon links to his two books. "From Gangland to Promised Land" would be suitable for any would-be hardnut who thinks that religion is rubbish. "The Gangster's Guide to God" is for more suitable for people who have already discovered the faith.

I'll be in Rome on 6 January so if anyone is going to John's talk, I'd be grateful for a couple of photos and a brief report - let me know if you want me to publish your name or refer to you as "a correspondent" (or indeed both!)

Do please also say a prayer for John. Such powerful work for the Lord needs our spiritual support.

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