EF Mass at St George's Cathedral

The Latin Mass Society has arranged for Mass to be celebrated according to the usus antiquior at St George's Cathedral (Archdiocese of Southwark) on Friday 11 February, the feast of the Apparition of the Immaculate Virgin Mary at Lourdes, at 6pm. This will be a Low Mass, celebrated by Fr Anthony Logan, a priest of the Archdiocese. (Fr Logan taught an adolescent Tim Finigan physics many years ago!)

St George's Cathedral is often thought of as rather a "poor relation" to the grandiose edifice over the river at Westminster. Sadly, the magnificent Pugin Church took a direct hit during the blitz. On 16 April 1941 an incendiary bomb blew the roof off and caused major damage to the interior:

Understandably, it did not quite recover architecturally. However, it has a dignified simplicity and it is good that Mass is celebrated there according to the usus antiquior. Each year there is a High Mass around the time of the feast of the Immaculate Conception - next Friday's Mass is a good addition since the principal patron of the Archdiocese is the Immaculate Virgin conceived without sin. If you live within reach of St George's Cathedral, do go along on Friday evening. The Cathedral is on St George's Road SE1 7HY, just opposite the Imperial War Museum. (Nearest tube is Lambeth but the Cathedral is only a few minutes walk from Waterloo.)

For more information about usus antiquior Masses in Southwark, see Matthew Schellhorn's blog: LMS Southwark.

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