More about the blogroll - and further possible changes

The renewal of the blogroll has been very useful since it has alerted me to a number of blogs that for one reason or another (usually just having too many things to do at once) never got on before. Google Reader does make it much easier for me to add blogs so feel free to make a request.

As well as putting a link in the combox, it would be helpful if you would let me know if your blog is a) British, b) by a priest or religious, c) by a journalist or d) none of the above. Saves me scrolling down the sidebar of your blog to find your personal statement and then go to your profile to check whether you have said where you come from etc. I may put in some other categories in due course.

While I'm on the subject of changing things on the blog, I must say that I am increasingly tempted to give the whole template a makeover. I heavily "modded" the present one quite a while back but I think it is time for [whisper] a change. I rather like the new blogger template that allows you to have a background picture running across - I have a lovely one of St Peter's Square which I use for my Twitter account. It would also make me finally get round to using a sans serif font: I am assured that although serif fonts are easier to read on paper, sans serif is easier to read on the screen.

So don't be surprised ...

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