It's still the same blog ...

... just a different layout. I was dithering about, wondering how to get everything exactly right and then had a "crash and burn" moment and decided just to get on with it. So you have your sans-serif font for easier reading, a new and enhanced blogroll and a nice big picture of St Peter's Square. You have even got a special mobile version for your portable telephone.

As you can see, there are now two sidebars. The new "Template designer" lost a lot of stuff from the old sidebar but that is no great worry. I might even find it somewhere. There will be some "pages" at the top in due course. Update: just done one to try it out.

There will probably be quite a bit of tweaking to do over the next few days and weeks so if you find any problems or anything not working, do feel free to let me know. Don't worry - I'll do something about the orange link text. Update: actually I had to do that straight away. It was too gruesome to leave overnight.

Time for bed now. More changes tomorrow - but no rupture.

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