Motu Proprio Appeal

There have recently been reports of possible restrictions on the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in the forthcoming Instruction which is to be issued in clarification. It should be added that these reports have been contradicted by other sources and so the situation remains a little confused.

It would, of course, be a great pity if the Ambrosian rite were to be excluded from the provisions of Summorum Pontificum or if there were restrictions placed on Bishops wishing to use the usus antiquior for ordinations. One would hope that some recognition would be given to the magnificent response of the faithful to the provision of the traditional Mass as shown, for example in the above photo.

The main points of concern raised so far can be found at these posts at Rorate Caeli:

The Instruction - I Non-Roman rites and uses: a small sample of things to come, the risk of a return to the "indult" mentality

The Instruction - II Ghettoization must start in Ordination

The Italian blog Messa in Latino has further information for those who read Italian or are happy to work with a google translation.

NLM have now publicised an appeal to the Holy Father. This has also been simultaneously publicised by Rorate Caeli. It is worth noting that the appeal does not make any presumptions about the contents of the clarification but refers to reasons for concern:
The appeal does not presume to know or state what the actual contents of this proposed instruction are, however, in the light of the aforementioned reports, and given credible confirmations that there is reason for concern, it simply wishes to calmly and respectfully share our concern with the Holy Father about this potentiality, asking that, whatever is finally released, that the integrity of the letter and the spirit of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum be preserved.
I think that the wording is sensible and moderate, with the right note of balance between expressing gratitude to the Holy Father and asking him not to allow any restrictions to be made in the Clarification. I encourage you to pop over and take a minute to sign the appeal

[Please note that after you vote, the petition site will record the vote and then brings up a "donation" window. You can just close that window. It is not related to the appeal and not required.]

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