CIEL Conference
Fr Michael Lang from the London Oratory, sends the following notice about the forthcoming CIEL Colloquium at Oxford. The line-up of speakers is very impressive and it is great that Cardinal Hoyos is coming to the conference.
CIEL2006 COLLOQUIUM, OXFORDPlanning is well underway for the 11th International CIEL Colloquium which will take place in MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD, from Wednesday 13th to Saturday 16th SEPTEMBER 2006.
The Colloquium will take place in the presence of His Eminence Dario CARDINAL CASTRILLON HOYOS who, as well as attending the talks, will celebrate the closing Pontifical High Mass on Saturday in Merton Chapel.
Papers will study the various Rites existing in Europe until the II Vatican Council reforms, and the spiritual influences of these liturgies. There will also be papers upon the place of music in the development and practice of the liturgies.
The speakers are as follows: Professor Eamon Duffy (Cambridge); Professor Lauren Pristas (USA); Professor László Dobszay (Hungary); Fr. Michael Lang of the Oratory; Rev. Dr. Alcuin Reid (London); Abbé Frank Quoëx (Sorbonne and Geneva); Fr. Joseph Santos (Portugal and USA), Don Nicola Bux (Italy); Dr. Christina Dondi (Oxford); Rainer Hilkenbach (Germany); Dr. Sheridan Gilley (Durham); Abbé Claude Barthe (Paris); Rev Dr. Laurence Hemming (Heythrop, London). CIEL is very grateful to all these eminent speakers for agreeing to participate.
The Conferences, held in the Examination Schools and the Sheldonian Theatre, are presented within the framework of daily sung MASS in the Rite of 1962, and the offices of LAUDS, VESPERS and COMPLINE in the glorious 13th Century chapel of the Merton College. People may attend either as resident delegates for the three days, staying in Merton College with full board accommodation, or as day delegates for a modest conference fee.
The Delegates and Speakers will gather for luncheon and dinner in the mediæval Hall of the College, providing a good opportunity to discuss the day’s proceedings, and make new friends.
There will also be recreational time for visiting Oxford and we have arranged specialised tours of the Colleges for delegates.
Full details and booking forms are available on the CIEL Website.
The costs of organising the Colloquium are considerable, and should you wish to make a contribution, either for the running cost or to support the priests and seminarians who could not afford to come. Please send contributions, made payable to “CIEL UK” to: CIEL UK, COLLOQUIUM FUND, P O Box 500, ROCHESTER, KENT ME1 1WU
It you would like to help with organisation at the conference, please email the organiser. Holy Mass will be offered at the Colloquium for the intentions of all who give help in any way.
Please put these dates in your Diary, and pray for the success of this Apostolate.