The Triduum so far ...

... has been going very well, Deo Gratias. On the evening of Maundy Thursday, I washed the feet of twelve good men and true, and celebrated Mass ad orientem with the choir singing some beautiful pieces in both Latin and English. For the procession to the altar of repose (beautifully decorated by the sacristy team), we had two thurifers walking backwards, incensing the Blessed Sacrament. My alert deacon prevented one of them from hitting a pillar on the way round. Some young people asked me whether we could have watching before the Blessed Sacrament late at night on another occasion in the year. (Erm, let me think. Yes!)

Children's Stations of the Cross were well attended this morning and I hope that lots of indulgences were gained there - I explained about indulgences in a short homily at the end. Traditional Stations also well attended and lots of confessions afterwards - as there were during the watching last night. I was delighted that the queues were probably at least half composed of young people under 21.

Looking forward to the Easter Vigil...

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