Where are the men in white coats when you need them?
I wasted some time reading the comments. At one point, Damien himself intervened with the observation "Ye gods! this thread is drivel." (He was quite right.) Somehow conspiracy theorists of the world have united to post irrefutable proof on his blog (particularly YouTube video links and lists of other links) absolutely definitely showing that the CIA or someone blew up the towers themselves on 9/11. This confluence of comments can surely be no coincidence. The gathering of these conspiratorial theorists all of a sudden is, to my mind, irrefutable and unanswerable evidence that there is a conspiracy of conspiracy theorists intent on world domination and Damien's Holy Smoke has clearly got in their way. They are obviously further inflamed by Damien's robust line on Counterknowledge. It's all very sinister. I blame the masons, myself.
In the midst of all this, someone has started an amusing spin-off blog called The Wit and Wisdom of Richard Williamson which will save searching the internet for key quotes.
Postscript: the Williamson blog has now been discontinued.