People we couldn't do without

Yesterday, after the morning Mass, I had to see various people as usual about Baptisms, Mass cards, routine maintenance, lost property and so on. When this had finished, I went through the Hall and had a chat with the ladies who keep everything in the Church clean, starched, pressed, mended, polished and spotless. Hilda, the "capo d'ufficio" said to me with her no-nonsense Lancastrian bluntness, "This is something that should be on your blog."

She's right, you know! In anticipation of Passiontide, the veils for the statues were being ironed and adjusted as necessary in a veritable factory operation:

It has been quite a busy week or two. First St Patrick had to be taken down for veneration:

then St Joseph had to be given that little bit of extra attention:

and then Our Lady had to be then dressed for the Feast of the Annunciation. The above two photos were taken by Dick who recently checked all the kneelers in the Church and mended and re-covered those that needed attention. I don't have a photo of the statue of Our Lady from yesterday so here is one from a previous occasion:

All that and then tea after evening Mass! These are people you really couldn't do without.

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