Faith Summer Session - more pictures

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A brilliant week and a chance to meet old and new friends: the Summer Session of the Faith Movement finished at lunchtime today, after a cracking talk by Canon Luiz Ruscillo and the final Mass with "Faith of our Fathers" at the end. After the youngsters swapped details to keep in touch on Facebook, and the farewells were finally completed, the Scottish coach rumbled off to the motorway, others dispersed to the four corners of England and beyond.

Never say that young people are not generous. These girls were throwing Jaffa Cakes magnanimously to the passers-by:

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Yesterday I took the group photos: Here is the "silly" version of the "everyone" pic. It is not nearly silly enough and I will have to encourage a greater effort at buffoonery next year.

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More photos over at the Flickr set

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