Dame Joanna Bogle's Investiture

2013-05-28 19.34.55

At St George's Cathedral last night, Auntie Joanna was invested as a Dame of the Pontifical Equestrian Order of St Gregory the Great, founded by Pope Gregory XVI in 1831. Mgr Keith Newton celebrated Mass and Archbishop Peter Smith presented the decoration. Fr Stephen Langridge of the Vocations Centre preached an excellent sermon.

Aid to the Church in Need recommended Joanna for the Order but Joanna's charitable and campaigning work extends far and wide over many years and through a wide variety of apostolic works and organisations. It was a lovely occasion and a great opportunity to meet up with many friends in the Amigo Hall afterwards. At one point there was a bit of a John Fisher Old Boys Reunion - "old" being the operative word since we are all, ahem, getting more "senior" now.

Here is a close-up of the cross:

2013-05-28 19.35.01

And the citation:

2013-05-28 20.56.39

And a photo of Dame Joanna with Sir Dan of the Blogosphere:

2013-05-28 21.06.23

The above photos are all from the Flickr Set of Mulier Fortis. There will probably be some photos posted at the Archdiocese of Southwark website in due course.

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