Busy couple of days

Yesterday morning, a good number of priests gathered for the funeral of Fr George Torre at St John Fisher in Bexley. Bishop Tripp was principal celebrant with Bishop Lynch assisting. Fr Michael Jones gave an excellent homily which combined teaching on the priesthood with a warm and amusing account of Fr Torre's priestly life.

After a visit to our local old people's home, I celebrated Mass for Our Lady of the Rosary school to mark the beginning of the school year. Fr Charles Briggs and I then met up for a late lunch at the Tiger's Head in Chislehurst. This normally has good hand-pumped ale but yesterday it was almost like a Monty Python sketch as each of the pumps was "off". After Rosary and Benediction, there was a good gathering in the parish social club and a chance to do some of that informal catechesis which is so important.

Today, I'm going up to Westminster for the launch of Evangelium. I'll take my camera so there should be some photos here soon of those involved. Afterwards, I'm meeting up with a young deacon to talk about the liturgy. Sometime, I'll have to do the newsletter and the first sermon on what I am planning as an autumn series on some key topics in the moral teaching of the Church.

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