Pro-Life take on today's news

This today from SPUC News:

The man most likely to be the next British prime minister has in general an equally bad record on life-related issues as Mr Tony Blair, the incumbent. Mr Gordon Brown MP, currently the Labour government's Chancellor of the Exchequer (chief finance minister), is expected to succeed Mr Blair following Mr Blair's announcement today that he will resign within the next 12 months. [BBC, 7 September]

Anthony Ozimic, SPUC political secretary, commented: "Mr Brown has voted consistently in favour of abortion. In 1990, he voted with the pro-abortion lobby no fewer than 16 times - three times for abortion up to birth, including for disabled babies; twice for abortion on demand in early pregnancy; once to extend the Abortion Act to Northern Ireland; once for selective foeticide in multiple pregnancies; once to facilitate RU486; once to suppress information about abortions on disabled babies; and seven times for other pro-abortion positions. He also voted five times to promote destructive embryo experimentation.

More lately, Mr Brown launched the International Finance Facility to raise money for the Millennium Development Goals, goals which the British government interprets as including a universal human right to abortion on demand. In the light of Mr Brown's hardline pro-abortion record, any move for a parliamentary review of abortion law would be exceptionally dangerous in the forseeable future."

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