Translation bloomer

The Congregation for the Clergy hold a regular monthly Videoconference for the Clergy which can be viewed in realtime online. They also send an archive of the contributions. The latest one, received this morning is on the theme of "Race and culture: meeting or clash of civilizations".

There was an amusing clash in the title of one of the pieces. The contribution of Fr P. Paolo Scarafoni, L.C. was given in English translation as
Race and Culture. Meeting or Clash of Civilisations. The Parish as a place of meeting and co-habitation.
I sent an email to advise of the unfortunate connotation of the term "cohabitation" in modern English. My suggested alternatives were "co-existence", "living in common" or "common life".

The next conference, on 27 September is on "Bioethics: the human genome and stem cells." Should be good.

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