Walsingham - Slipper Chapel and Catholic Shrine

The familiar Catholic statue of Our Lady of Walsingham is kept in the Slipper Chapel, about one mile from Walsingham itself. At this point, pilgrims would remove their shoes to walk the last mile to the holy House at Walsingham itself. For the feast day, the statue is especially decorated with jewels that have been donated.

The Slipper Chapel itself dates back to the mid-14th century. Desecrated at the Reformation and after, it was restored at the end of the 19th century and finally re-consecrated in 1938.

Until 1980. large gatherings were accommodated at the Catholic shrine by the use of an open-air sanctuary. The new Chapel of Reconciliation was opened in 1981 and consecrated in 1982. It seats 400 inside but one wall consists of panels that can be opened up to the outside when there is a larger number of pilgrims. They style is intended to resemble a Norfolk Barn.

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