Christian speed dating?

The fun–filled, action packed and, most importantly, cringe-free evening will give you the chance to meet up to 15 people in a series of one to one meetings, each of which lasts only three minutes. At the end of the evening, if you’ve both liked each other, your email address will be revealed and you’ll be able to stay in touch. It’s a safe, fun and brilliant way to meet lots of new people very quickly.Apart from any other considerations, I wonder how this could possibly be "cringe-free".
The speed dating is not compulsory, however. For the Saturday 21.30 slot, the programme offers three other choices:
- Prayer vigil with songs from Taizé and brothers of the Community in the Church of St Martin in the Bull Ring
- Live bands - St Catherine's Church (Crossbeam and Rich Robson
- The Birmingham nightlife!