Discerning a priestly vocation

The Archdiocese of Westminster's Vocations website has a collection of four good articles by Fr Stephen Wang:
  1. How do I know if God is calling me to be a Priest?
  2. What can I do to become clearer about my Vocation?
  3. Vocation: Different calls in the New Testament
  4. Things to read about Priesthood and Vocation
I saw these articles over at Fr Stephen Langridge's Southwark Vocations blog. He has recently posted a useful summary of the process that is gone through before someone is accepted to study at the Seminary (Applying for Priesthood: Timetable.)

In another post (Vocations Activities in Southwark) he explains the various activities that are undertaken in Southwark to support men (and boys) who express an interest in a priestly vocation.

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