Gaudia Paschalia

A very happy Easter to you all.

This morning was wonderful in the parish, Deo Gratias. There was standing room only in the Church at the 9am Mass. We tend to have more children at this Mass so I directed my sermon especially to the children, explaining in simple terms the story of the resurrection. There are many good parents who have recently returned to the faith at this Mass so I hope that it helped them too.

At the 10.30am Mass, we had the baptism of a baby and again the Church was full, though not quite so many standing. At Easter and Christmas, I always say a word about Holy Communion, to the effect that it is practising Catholics in a state of grace who come to Communion. I say that it is great to see those who have been away from the Church for a while and that they should make a devout spiritual communion and then make a good confession during Eastertide, to join those many people who have returned to the sacraments.

The evening Mass is quiet but I am glad to offer this Mass on Easter Sunday too.

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