Silence Generator Set

And after that, a little light relief...

I found the Fra Angelico image on google images. I also found this possible technological solution to the problem: Zhejiang Zhonggao Power Technology Co., Ltd. have produced a Silence Generator Set.Features:
  1. Noise: 73-80dBa at 7 meters distance
  2. Build-in muffler, compact design to eliminate the noise
  3. Z-type air intake and outtake channel is build with noise-absorb material to guarantee the air flow and eliminate the noise
  4. Double seal glass window for easy monitor of the operation
  5. Oil tank, lighting equipment, fire extinguisher is available for safety
So it seems to meet all the requirements for 'elf 'n safety. I'm not sure whether it is intended to be installed in the sacristy or the Church porch.

Now that is the last frivolous post for a couple of days. Triduum starts here in an hour or so. During the Triduum, I intend to restrict posting to matters related to the events we are celebrating.

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