14 September celebrations

I mentioned a while back that I will be celebrating a High Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite at Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen at 12noon on Friday 14 September, in thanksgiving for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum. Fr John Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say? has kindly agreed to preach at the Mass.

Originally, I intended to put on a formal lunch for clergy. However, a number of lay people will be travelling specially for the Mass so I have decided, after some thought, to invite everyone for a buffet lunch in the Parish Hall. Many thanks to the Union of Catholic Mothers for kindly taking on responsibility for preparing the lunch. I will arrange another occasion in the near future especially for the clergy.

Any of you who can come will be most welcome. Clergy are invited to attend in Choir - please bring your cassock and cotta and a biretta if you have one. It will help to have some idea of who is coming (clergy and laity) so please leave a comment here if you are intending to stay for lunch (put "Not for Publication" at the top if you wish and I will respect that.)

Since I first announced this, a number of other similar celebrations have been arranged, notably:
London Oratory: 7pm High Mass (reception afterwards in St Wilfrid's Hall)

Manchester: St Chad's, Cheetham Hill (Canons Regular of PremontrĂ©) Solemn Mass and Te Deum (Mozart’s Solemn Mass No.4 in C minor (Wailenhausmesse) KV139)

Glasgow: 7pm Mass (probably High Mass) in the chapel of Nazareth House followed by refreshments. All are very welcome.

Edinburgh: 6.15pm Sung Mass at St Andrews Church, Belford Rd

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