Yesterday evening, "The Bread of Life", a new book for first Holy Communion by Fr Martin Edwards (pictured above with Fr Andrew Wadsworth) was launched at the St Wilfrid's Hall at the London Oratory.
The book as introduced by Fr Ignatius Harrison, the Provost of the Oratory.

Fr Martin Edwards then spoke about the book, emphasising the doctrinal content of the book as well as the pedagogical features which are designed to help teachers convey Catholic teaching to young children.

"The Bread of Life" is published by
Gracewing and can be ordered from their website ("new titles").
The photographs which illustrate the book feature Fr Ronald Creighton-Jobe of the London Oratory, at the (eastward-facing) altar of Fr Edwards' Church of St Mary Magdalen in Wandsworth. As Fr Edwards said, the book is "MP-ready" and the photographs will be suitable for parishes that use the older or newer form of the Roman rite (or both). Fr Ronald was also present to say a few words to commend the book:

The book includes a number of fine plates with artwork by David Clayton who gave a most interesting explanation for the choice of style which he had adopted in the pictures.

The originals were on display at the bookstall.

Bishop Bernard Longley kindly took time to attend the launch, and to meet and speak with others present who included a number of people from
Aid to the Church in Need.