"But we regularly speak in Catholic parishes..."

A Faithful Rebel recently drew attention to an event that had been scheduled to take place on 22 October at St Frances Cabrini Catholic Church in Minneapolis. Fr Leo Tibesar had sent out a message inviting bloggers to publicise the event in which Carol Curoe, a business consultant who lives with her lesbian partner and two children, was to speak, together with her father. The publicity described the event as follows:
Are There Closets in Heaven? lets us experience the real lives behind debates taking place in today's media on same-sex marriage, constitutional amendments, gays and lesbians raising children, and religion.
Following considerable publicity on the blogosphere and many phone calls and emails to the Archbishop, the event was banned by the Archdiocese. Aristotle, the author of A Faithful Rebel commented sensibly:
Of course, the Catholic Church loves homosexuals, but she loves them too much to give them the false illusion that to engage actively in that "lifestyle" is a legitimate choice that is compatible with Christian faith. Jesus Christ calls us all to holiness, and he calls gays and lesbians, where they are unable to change that orientation, nevertheless to live a life of chastity. This is the same that is required of unmarried heterosexuals.
In a follow-up post, he has drawn attention to the statement from Michael Bayly, Executive Coordinator of the "Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities". Bayly says that the Curoes have been engaged to speak at a variety of venues during the past month. He continues:
I hope this unfortunate event does not mean that CPCSM’s days of being welcomed to host educational and story sharing events in Catholic parishes are over.
CPCSM advocates gay adoption, gay marriage, and changing Catholic teaching on sexuality.

The Faithful Rebel asks that people contact the US Conference of Catholic Bishops urging them to forbid the use of Catholic Churches or property for by groups who oppose Catholic teaching.

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