Contraception - a "faith killer"

One of Fr Doe's memorable phrases was to describe contraception as a "faith killer". Within a generation or two, the faith dies away in many families as a result of the use of contraception owing to the collective rejection of the proper ordering of love.
In the afternoon, Fr Marcus Holden gave a short spiritual conference followed by half an hour's adoration (with confessions) and benediction. Fr Holden spoke about the fear of God in relation to the spiritual life of the priest. His conference drew from the teaching of the Fathers of the Church, especially St Basil and St John Chrysostom, and the teaching of St Alphonsus Liguori.
As ever, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children were most helpful in their assistance at the conference. It was good to talk to John Smeaton afterwards about the current situation in the UK, especially with the ghastly Human Tissue and Embryology Bill coming before us.