The "Lefebvrite" Lexicon
A correspondent sent me the link to this very amusing post on the Angelqueen Forum.
Lefebvriatrics - The field of traditional Catholic medicine.
Lefebvrionics - Traditional Catholic robot building.
Lefebvrafia - Traditional organized crime.
But you have to go down to the bottom of the post for the best bit - the products and services, including...

As a result of all of the media attention being paid to the freeing of the traditional Mass, there has consequently been much attention paid to the traditional Catholic priestly Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). Journalists, bloggers and writers desiring to cover the topic have been forced to become quickly informed on a subject which many had previously known little or nothing about.The author then offers a "Lefebvricon" of approved terms. For example:
Due to their inherent lack of true knowledge, we've witnessed a wide range of unusual terms being used by these journalist to describe SSPX clergy and the congregants who attend their Masses. We've read about "Lefebvrites", "Lefebvrists" and even "Lefebvrians" - whatever those are.
Lefebvriatrics - The field of traditional Catholic medicine.
Lefebvrionics - Traditional Catholic robot building.
Lefebvrafia - Traditional organized crime.
But you have to go down to the bottom of the post for the best bit - the products and services, including...