Filming an Advent reflection for EWTN

EWTN were filming myself and Fr Dominic Allain today at ...
[whirr zck zck... telly intro mode on...]
... the Jesuit Church of the Immaculate Conception in the heart of London's fashionable Mayfair district. The Church is known to Catholic Londoners simply as "Farm Street" ...
[ping ping... click ... telly mode off]

I was giving a reflection on the fourth Sunday of Advent. It was rather odd wearing a purple stole and having an Advent wreath lit in front of me. Even odder to see the hangings changed to rose for Fr Allain's third Sunday of Advent talk.

The photo on the left was taken while the crew were setting up for Fr Allain. It does not give a true impression at all because the Church looked warm and golden, with the sanctuary enhanced by the studio lights. My little ultra-cheapo camera manages to make it all look terribly gloomy (I think I would do better using the mobile phone camera). Having seen some of the footage on the TV monitor, I can assure you that the cameraman and his crew have done justice to this beautiful Church. He is also going to have to go off and photo the places I mentioned as being nearby - well they did ask me to add in some points of local interest :-)

I asked when the programme "Catholic Lives" with Joanna Bogle was going to be broadcast but nobody knew. If you see this in the EWTN schedules, please let me know so I can tell people here who may want to watch it.

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