Monsignor Heliodore Mejak RIP

Many thanks to Lee in the combox for the link to this post on Kansas City Catholic which has an obituary of Monsignor Heliodore Mejak, 1909-2007. Father Mejak ("he disdained any title except Father") was the world's longest-serving pastor (that would be "parish priest" in the UK), 63 years in the same parish: Holy Family, Kansas. At age 98, he continued to say Mass every day in the Church. He died on Christmas morning. He loved his parishioners and his parishioners loved him. May God now give him the reward of his labours and say to him
"Euge serve bone, et fidelis: quia super pauca fuisti fidelis, super multa te constituam; intra in gaudium domini tui."
Well done, good and faithful servant, because you have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many: enter into the joy of your Lord.
Of course, he would want us all to pray for him as well, that God may forgive any sins he committed through human frailty.

Among the many good things in this heartwarming tribute from one of his parishioners, one point caught my eye : Father Mejak
was very proud that his parish had no paid employees and was staffed entirely by volunteers.

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