Pope converts to new Labour

Many thanks to Londiniensis, a regular commenter, for a link to this article from New Biscuit: Pope converts to new Labour. Reporting that the Pope was now convinced of Tony Blair's infallibility, the article does admit that...
... others were more sceptical; ‘There are those who might think that the Pope’s childhood membership of the Hitler Youth would make him unacceptable to New Labour’, said Tony Benn, ‘But then everyone is more left wing when they are young.’
What you won't find on the internet is the follow-up story in the colour supplement "Have Your Cake and Eat It". A representative from a leading gay lobbying group was quoted:
We would, of course, be delighted if the Pope of Rome had genuinely converted to New Labour. However, this man has been on record several times asserting that homosexual acts are a "grave sin". We can find no reason to suppose that he has changed his views and we can only presume that the Pope wants to be a new-Labourite on his own terms.
In reaction to the news, a spokesperson for Planned Abortion International said:
We question the wisdom of Blair's cosying-up to the Pope in this private, hole-in-the-corner new Labour reception ceremony at the private chapel of Chequers. Pro-abortionists who have worked tirelessly for free abortion on demand await some public statement from Benedict to the effect that he no longer adheres to the view of his predecessor that abortion is an "unspeakable crime" which all politicians are obliged to oppose by conscientious objection.
Tony Blair was unavailable for comment but a spokesperson from Eccleston Square Millbank said that it was particularly distasteful during the festive season to pass judgement on the personal conscience of the Bishop of Rome.

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