"Chants of the Roman Gradual" online

Yet another priceless resource for liturgical music has been made available free online. "Chants of the Roman Gradual" by Dom Dominic Johner goes through the chants for Sundays and principal feast days and analyses them. As the preface says:
They are studied in their historical and liturgical setting, and their sentiments of joy and sorrow, hope and fear, gratitude and penance, are pointed out and developed. In this sense also the intimate relationship existing between these various texts is indicated; all are integrated into a unified whole and referred to the life of Christ and His Church. Following this short meditation, the author analysies the musical score accompanying the text, and attempts to show how Gregorian Chant interprets these various sentiments and gives adequate expression to them - in short, how Gregorian chant is the perfect yet simple medium of translating religious emotion into the language of music.
Jeffrey Tucker of NLM uses it every day and it is from his post that I got this Scribd version, made available by the Church Music Association of America (see Musica Sacra)

Chants of the Vatican Gradual

Since it has been posted to Scribd, you can opt to download the whole book as a pdf. (As I have.)

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