Journeying through Southern England

Quite a long day today with a trip down to Eastbourne in the morning to meet Jane of Thoughts from an Oasis in French Catholicism and her mother-in-law Kathleen who treated myself and Fr Ray Blake of St Mary Magdalen, Brighton to a lovely lunch at the Hydro. Above you can see Fr Ray after we had taken a little air after lunch and a look at the sea under a threatening sky that did not rain on us for a little while.

Then up to Gatwick Airport Station and a short ride out to a meeting of the Faith Movement where we were discussing the best way to promote the faith through the theology that we share. It was good to have a long chat with many brother priests and some lay people who came.

Last night, after returning from teaching at Wonersh, I said a private Mass. At the prompting of one of my parishioners, I said a Requiem Mass for the 400th anniversary of Cardinal Pole.

Internet access out here is only GPRS so other posts will have to wait until my return to home and 3G tomorrow evening.

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